Friday, February 24, 2012

Debate Rubric and Logical Fallacies

Debate Rubric

Students should print out a copy of this rubric to use as your team develops its plan.

Logical Fallacies

Useful resource and impress your friends with a Latin term or two!

Week 4 Second Semester 10 B

Second Semester Week 4
Class work
(Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit)


Unit 8 Vocabulary Scenarios

10 More flashcards

Study for Vocabulary Quiz on Unit 8
Free study tools found at Vocabulary in Context


Map the structure of a new text

Develop Vocabulary by learning to use online component for studying new words

Vocabulary Unit 8 Quiz

Outline Expository Essay on Internet Privacy

Develop your working Thesis

Finish Expository Essay Outline

Unit 9  Definitions
Draft Introduction and Body Paragraphs
Finish Draft one of essay
Vocabulary Unit 9 Completing the Sentence Peer  Review Essays
Spell and grammar check essay and submit to
Vocabulary Unit 9 Synonyms and Antonyms

Vocabulary Unit 9 Choosing the right word
Debate Prep.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Second Semester Week 3 10 B

Second Semester Week 2
Class work
(Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit)


CAHSEE and CST Prep for extra credit



Map the structure of a new text

Develop Vocabulary by learning to use online component for studying new words

Vocabulary Unit 8
Vocabulary in Context
Register for Student Vocabulary Workshop Online Component at
Click on

Blog Reader bonus

300 extra credit points if your are registered before class on Tuesday

Write out sentences for Unit 8 words.

Grammar Review Mapping the Structure of a Text
Protecting Your Internet Privacy Articles
Study for Quiz on Unit 8 Words Friday
Write a short scene with a partner using Unit 8 words
Student Vocabulary Sign-up Link

Sunday, February 12, 2012

SEcond Semester Week 2

Second Semester Week 2
Class work
(Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit)

CST Prep
Vocabulary Quiz
Map Structure of Text

Revise  essay submit to before class Tuesday


Read Theme for English B by Langston Hughes

  • biographical approach-how are writer's personal experiences revealed in the text
  • theme-message about life or human nature
  • inferences-educated guesses

Answer  questions  page 135-6  through reading comprehension. Answer in complete sentences. Grammar and syntax count!


 Vocabulary Unit 8 Definitions
Outline Essay Constructed Response pp. 136
In lines 29-33 of his poem “theme for Englsih B,” what does Langston Hughes say is American? Do you agree with him? Why or Why not?

Essay Draft I bring to class
Vocabulary Unit 8
Peer Review Essay
Edit your revised essay and Submit to
Vocabulary Unit 8

Vocabulary UNIT 8
CST and Cahsee Prep
Scantrons due Monday.

Mapping the Structure of a Text ( CSU Standard)

Mapping the Organizational Structure of a text: Annotation Lesson II
When you do a close reading of a text you must also look at the structure of the text.
You do not simply highly names, dates, places, and the thesis statement.  You must look at the structure of the text to understand a writer’s approach to the content and the tools (rhetorical devices that he/she uses to make their argument.

Mapping the Organizational Structure

·      Draw a line across the page where the introduction ends. Is it after the first paragraph, or are there several introductory paragraphs? How do you know?
·      Draw a line across the page where the conclusion begins. Is it the last paragraph, or are there several concluding paragraphs? How do you know?
·      Think on your own, discuss in groups or a s a class why the lines were drawn where they were. In this activity, thinking and reasoning about organizational structure is more important than agreeing on where the lines should be drawn.
·      Further divide the body of the text into topics ( what each section is about).
·      Write a short description of what each section is a bout, what it says about the topic, and the rhetorical function of the section ( why the writer put it there).

After this is done, answer the following questions:

·      How does each section affect the reader? What is the writer trying to accomplish?
·      What does each section say?  (Paraphrase the main idea of the section) What is the content?
·      Which section is the most developed?
·      Which section is the least developed? Does it need more development?
·      Which section is the most persuasive? The least persuasive?
·      On the basis of your chart of the text, what do you think is the main argument? Is the argument explicit or implicit?


·      Draw a circle in the center of a blank page, and label the circle with the main idea of the text.
·      Record the supporting ideas of the text in branches that connect to the central idea.
Mapping the Content

·      Draw a picture of the argument, mapping the flow of the text graphically or verbally.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

English 10 Second Semester Week 1

Second Semester Week 1
Class work
(Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit)

CST Prep

Vocabulary Book E Unit 7

Review Final Exam

Unit 7 finish Definitions
Make flashcards


CST and Vocabulary

Read Superman and Me by Sherman Alexie
Vocabulary pp 121
Connotation and denotation

Highlight and Annotate Superman and Me


CST Prep and

Do questions page 128-129
 Do page 128 A and B

And Roman Numeral Classic Outline of Part C constructed response
Why do you think Alexie continues to visit and teach creative writing in a Native American School?
Timed Essay Part C Constructed response pp. 130
Edit your essay and Submit to
Vocabulary Quiz on Unit 7 words

Read, Highlight and Annotate Theme for English B Langston Hughes

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